Learning Happens With Every Little Wild Breath We Take

Learning Happens With Every Little Wild Breath We Take

Breathe. ahhhhh - such a wonderful feeling when you didn't even realise you were holding your breath you were concentrating so hard. Or is that just me? 

'Just Breathe' is actually going to be a song on a new project, because I had to draw a line somewhere and call 'Little Wild Learning' - complete! Learning happens with every little wild breath we take through life though, and we can't ever really say we have learned all there is to know (or finished every song we start) so I'm delighted and astonished to have completed, drawn a line under it and wrapped up and sent out into the world as best as I could, with help from some great friends - 9 songs (and their sing along tracks) for this new album.  

I Love Books, Butterflies with my lovely mate Angie Who, Kindy Kid with my lovely mate Jenny Freed, Alphabet Phonics - ABC of Awesome, Animal Sounds (so silly! some animals don't make sound!), How to Make a Friend with my awesome friend Benny Time, Music Train, Curious Mind and I Got This (you got this too). 

I hope you get a chance to check it out! Sing, dance, laugh, listen and learn, and don't forget to breathe! Here is the video for 'Music Train' :)

This project was made possible by NZ On Air Tamariki, and produced by Tom Fox and Marshall Smith at The Sound Room!


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