HOLD UP - New Song in the Airwaves - Canada to NZ Collab

HOLD UP - New Song in the Airwaves - Canada to NZ Collab

I'm so behind; it's time I dropped a leaf into the wind and let you know about some of the beautiful musical collaborations I am a part of that have recently come to life. 

YESTERDAY! - Hold Up is a song written by Christopher Eckart of My Friend Christopher. A couple of years ago now, he sent me a demo and asked me to think about if it was a song I'd like to sing on too. it took me a few breaths, but I finally recorded some ideas as a demo and sent back a vocal arrangement for consideration. Wind forward another year, and Christopher has brought it to life with his fabulous team. it's a stunning song of seasons, time, nature, and spirit. I made an illustration, and together, we have released it - we would be honoured for you to listen to this musical bridge across the oceans from Canada to New Zealand and back again. 


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