
Bunnies in the Bath - Counting Song
Did you ever see a bunny in the bathtub!?
There's one little bunny in the bathtub
I didn't know that bunnies could swim
Little bunny ears go flip flop flip
Another little bunny jumps in
Two little bunnies in the bathtub
I didn't know that bunnies could swim
Bunnies doing binkies tik tak tik
Little bunny ears go flip flop flip
Another little bunny jumps in
Three little bunnies in the bathtub
I didn't know that bunnies could swim
Little bunny noses sniff sniff sniff
Bunnies doing binkies tik tak tik
Little bunny ears go flip flop flip
And another little bunny jumps in
Four little bunnies in the bathtub
I didn't know that bunnies could swim
Little bunny feet go pitter patter leap
Little bunny noses sniff sniff sniff
Bunnies doing binkies tik tak tik
Little bunny ears go flip flop flip
And another little bunny jumps in
Five little bunnies in the bathtub
I didn't know that bunnies could swim
Little bunny eyes go blink blink blink
Little bunny feet go pitter patter leap
Little bunny noses sniff sniff sniff
Bunnies doing binkies tik tak tik
Little bunny ears go flip flop flip
No one put the water in
No little bunnies in the bathtub
Bunnies don't like to swim
Funny little bunnies
Funny little bunnies
Shall we count again?
© Claudia Robin Gunn

Claudia Robin Gunn
Bunnies in the Bath (Counting Song) -Digital Single Download
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