
Brave Like A Lion
Brave like a lion, brave like a lion
Do you wanna play like a lion ?
I’m wearing my lion suit
For book character day
I’m going as the lion in the meadow
Daddy made the costume
Just yesterday
He stitched the ears
He made the tail it’s fluffy
Like a lion’s tale should be
And I’m proud like a lion
Walking up to school
For book character day
And I’m gonna
Play like a lion, run like a lion
Be brave like a lion can be
And I’m gonna
Roar like a lion, be strong like a lion
Do you wanna play lions with me?
Other kids have a costume from the store
Some of them think mine’s funny
But mine was made with love
So I don’t mind if it’s a little crinkly
Did you know mama lions do the hunting?
Daddy lions do the big roar
Lion cubs do the tumbling
Let’s play like a lion some more
We can play like a lion, run like a lion
Be brave like lions can be
We can roar like a lion be strong like a lion
Be brave like a lion with me
When I get home I ain’t taking it off
I’m gonna be a lion cub again tomorrow
Cos I had fun like a lion
Playing like a lion
Like the lion in the meadow
Now I’m gonna sleep like a lion
Snuggle like a lion
Dream like a lion dream
And when I wake up
I’m gonna stretch like a lion
Will you be a lion with me?
Play like a lion, brave like a lion
Daddy you’re my favourite lion
© Claudia Robin Gunn

Claudia Robin Gunn
Sing for the Earth - Little Wild Animals Digital Album

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