Loopy the Inchworm
I found a little inchworm
Inching up an oak tree
Looping in a funny way
Doubled up and back again
It crawled onto a leaf and up my arm
It must have thought that I was a little acorn
And I got a kind of loopy love
Got me doing inchworm stuff
Like this bendy stretchy yoga pose
Now I can touch my knees with my nose
Now Loopy goes where I go
Inching up my headphones
Looping in a funny way
Doubled up and back again
After looping all day it's time to sleep
And Loopy snuggles up on an oak leaf
Now I got a kind of loopy love
It’s got me doing inchworm stuff
Like this bendy stretchy yoga pose
Now I can touch my knees with my nose
I love Loopy, Loopy loves me
I love Loopy, Loopy loves me
Goodbye my little inchworm
Looping up your oak tree
Looping in your funny way
Doubled up and back again
Inchworm, inchworm, inchworm
I got a kind of loopy love
It’s got me doing inchworm stuff
Like this bendy stretchy yoga pose
Now I can touch my knees with my nose
I just got a kind of loopy love
It’s got me doing inchworm stuff
Like this bendy stretchy yoga pose
Now I can touch my knees with my nose
I love Loopy, Loopy loves me
I love Loopy, Loopy loves me
© Claudia Robin Gunn
Sing for the Earth - Little Wild Animals Digital Album
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